The Ys series chronicles the adventures of Adol Christin, a red-haired young man with a zest for adventure and an uncanny knack for being in the right place at the right time. Gameplay usually revolves around Adol, though his comrade, Dogi, is a frequent companion in his travels around Esteria.
The most used gameplay mechanisms involve using the directional pad to fight, where the player must literally run Adol into the enemy. Tactics developed from this involving running into the side, back or slightly off center of the front of most enemies.
The original Windows PC remakes were Ys Eternal and Ys II Eternal. Later, there was a compiled rerelease, which bumped up Ys Eternal's visuals to Ys II Eternal's level (more color depth, primarily) and made the soundtrack sound more cohesive between the two. This was released as Ys I & II Complete. Later, once this was out of print, Falcom began selling the two separately again, as Ys I Complete and Ys II Complete. Falcom complicated the issue by changing the "Eternal" to "Complete" on all external packaging and advertisements, but not in the actual games themselves. In one of the English patches, the internal bitmaps are edited to reflect the external change for the packages.
***Remember install the Applocale to run the japanese games***
1. Unrar
2. Mount Iso on virtual drive and install
3. First apply the .exe files from ""
3. Then apply the two patches that are provided
4. Gametime
Download Link :
English Translation
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